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Accessing dataset using our Geospatial Services

  1. You can find Geospatial Services, also known as Dataset API, on the dataset detail page for the selected dataset:

    • Web Feature Service (WFS)
    • Web Map Service (WMS)

What are GeoSpatial Services?

GeoSpatial Services are application development or programming interfaces for users and developers to utilize the datasets provided on Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) Portal in developing relevant application or programs for users in different aspects. The open standard Web Feature Service (WFS), Web Map Service (WMS) and ArcGIS rest service are provided under our Geospatial Services.

What are WFS, WMS and ArcGIS rest service?

WFS and WMS both follow the standards set by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), an international standards organization that promotes and develops open standards for geospatial data and services.

With WFS, users can access vector data and perform various operations, such as querying, filtering, and data retrieval.

With WMS, users can access map images and display them in their web browser or desktop GIS software.

ArcGIS rest service is similar to WFS, which provides service using ESRI structure.

How do I access WFS, WMS and ArcGIS rest service on CSDI Portal?

To access the WFS, WMS and ArcGIS rest service, simply navigate to Metadata Page of an dataset and click GeoSpatial Service under Other Resources and Services Section. Select and click the service (WFS/WMS/ARCGIS) you wish to use. The Service URL will be copied automatically.

How do I customize my WFS/WMS/ArcGIS rest service request based on the copied URL?

Please select WFS/WMS/ArcGIS rest service for details:

WFS URL Format


WFS Query Parameters

Parameter Sample Value Description
SERVICE WFS Service name. Value is “WFS”.
VERSION 2.0.0 Service version. Values are “1.0.0”, “1.1.0” & “2.0.0” (recommended).
REQUEST GetFeature Requested operation. Typical values are "GetFeature", “GetCapabilities”, etc.
TYPENAME GEO_PLACE_NAME Collection of feature instance(s) to be returned. TYPENAMES can be obtained via “GetCapabilities”.
OUTPUTFORMAT GeoJSON The returned data format. Common formats include “GeoJSON”, “GML32”, “CSV”, etc.
SRSNAME EPSG:4326 Spatial Reference System. Supported values are “EPSG:4326” and “EPSG:2326”.
BBOX# 22.262474243164064,
Bounding Box. Values should be in the format of “minx,miny,maxx,maxy”.
COUNT# 100 Number of features to be returned. The maximum value is “10,000”.

# Optional Parameters

Sample Source Code and Preview

How do I work with the data returned by a WFS/WMS/ArcGIS rest service request?

You can work with the data returned by a WFS/WMS/ArcGIS rest service request using a compatible software tool, such as a GIS or web mapping application. You can also use a variety of analysis and visualization tools to explore and analyze the data further.

You can refer to the following page for instructions on how to add and visualize WFS, WMS and ArcGIS rest service data in QGIS using the specified WFS/WMS URL.

Adding WFS, WMS and ArcGIS rest service to QGIS

Where can I find documentation and tutorials for using WFS, WMS and ArcGIS rest service?

You can use the information and sample source code on this page as a reference while using WFS, WMS and ArcGIS rest service. For further technical information on WFS, WMS and ArcGIS rest service, you may make reference to the following OGC/ArcGIS standards.

OGC Standard - Web Feature Service (WFS)
OGC Standard - Web Map Service (WMS)
ArcGIS rest service

You may also see following technical guides.

OGC e-Learning - Data Access Standards WFS
OGC e-Learning - Visualization Standards WMS
ESRI - Communicating with a WFS service in a web browser
ESRI - Communicating with a WMS service in a web browser
ESRI - Feature service

Data Query Service

  1. CSDI Portal provides Data Query Service (DQS). It provides a simple way to extract spatial data using an HTTP-based API. Developers can customize a query, preview the results, and extract data in JSON format.

Using Data Query Service

  1. You can compose a query string using dataset id and layer name. Additionally, you can refine the query string by specifying four parameters including bbox, limit of return records, offset, and data fields.
  2. You can compose the query string by entering values for each parameters.
  3. Once all parameters are configured, click the “Execute” button to view the results in GeoJSON format.
  4. For more information, please watch the video “Introduction to Data Query Service”